Heyday requires all participants, spectators, staff and officials to behave with solid sportsmanship at all times during Heyday Athletic games and events.
We have a zero tolerance policy for fighting, excessive arguing, vulgar profanity, bullying, harassment, threats, name calling or taunting. Any participant who blatantly disregards this policy will be ejected and required to leave the venue immediately. That individual will also be subject to an indefinite suspension from ALL Heyday Activities as a participant and spectator. Heyday participants must respect our officials and their calls. While we might not agree with every call, everyone deserves to be treated with the same level or sportsmanship and respect. Teams can and will be held responsible for their players' conduct. If someone on your roster is behaving inappropriately, it is YOUR responsibility to keep them from doing so.
At the end of the day, it does not matter whether you win or lose. It is most important that you have fun and help contribute to everyone feeling welcome participating in Heyday Athletic leagues and events.

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